The Berar General Education Society's
Shri Kisanlal Nathmal Goenka Arts & Commerce College
Karanja (Lad) - 444105
NAAC Reaccredited B+ Grade (2.56) CGPA



About Department

The Department of Commerce was established since the inception of the college, i.e. 1961.
At present Dr. Dinesh B. Raghuwasnshi is working as the Head of the Department since July 2006. It is one of the major Department of the College which strength of the students is increasing day by day.

Though the College is situated at Taluka place like Karanja (Lad) but the flow of students gushes from rural area. The city is surrounded by hamlets and villages. So it is categorized into Rural area, As they are from Rural area, the knowledge they carry about Business is scanty and improper. But the motivation and encouragement, thanks to development of interest among the students of Commerce, it also gives rise to incensement of student on Roll.